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Prefix: SARL
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The publication manager is: Emmanuel CHOCHOY, Manager of Chochoy Conseil et Recrutement
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Under the terms of this notice, Chochoy Conseil et Recrutement authorizes you to view, copy, print and distribute the documents posted on the Smart City Galaxy website under the following conditions:
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These documents and the information they contain are presented « as is », and Chochoy Conseil et Recrutement makes no representations or guarantees, expressly or implicitly, with regard to them. Without limiting the scope of what above, Chochoy Conseil et Recrutement does not guarantee that these documents or that information they contain are without error or that they meet any criteria efficiency or quality whatsoever.


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This website represents a work of which CHOCHOY CONSEIL ET RECRUTEMENT is the author within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 and those following of the French Intellectual Property Code. The photographs, texts, downloadable files, logos, pictograms, images, search tools as well as all work integrated into the website are the property of CHOCHOY CONSEIL ET RECRUTEMENT, or the property of third parties that have been authorised to use them, and they are protected by copyright or industrial property rights.

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